How to Remove Liquid (Fruit Juice) Stains?
Liquid stains such as fruit juice can be difficult stains as they contain acid. Especially the solution to dried stains is not as difficult as we think. In case of dry stains of liquid, when we first pour Bonex dishwashing detergent on the stain, the stain is softened. After keeping it in warm water for a short time, it is rinsed and the stain begins to dissolve. Afterwards, it should be washed in the washing machine at medium temperature for a minimum of 45 minutes with Bonex powder detergent and Bonex Liquid detergent.
To remove cherry juice stains, place the stained area of clothing in a bowl. Fill hot water into this container. This process will give more effective results if it is applied immediately after the stain has just formed. Immediately after the process, add Bonex Liquid Laundry Detergent and apple cider vinegar into the container filled with hot water. Apply the detergent that you have mixed to a thick consistency with apple cider vinegar to the stained area. Then leave it like this for 20 minutes. In the last step, wash the stained laundry in the washing machine with the help of Bonex White& Colors Powder Detergent, if the laundry is colored.

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10762 Sk. No:7B-7C Karatay-KONYA/TÜRKİYE
Tel: +90 332 502 29 29
İkitelli O.S.B. Mutsan Sanayi Sitesi M2 Blok No:30-32 Başakşehir-İSTANBUL/TÜRKİYE
Tel: +90 212 486 11 16

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Kobisan 2 San Sitesi Fevzi Çakmak Mah.
10762 Sk. No:7B-7C Karatay-KONYA/TÜRKİYE
Tel: +90 332 502 29 29
İkitelli O.S.B. Mutsan Sanayi Sitesi M2 Blok No:30-32 Başakşehir-İSTANBUL/TÜRKİYE
Tel: +90 212 486 11 16

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Kobisan 2 San Sitesi Fevzi Çakmak Mah.
10762 Sk. No:7B-7C Karatay-KONYA/TÜRKİYE
Tel: +90 332 502 29 29
İkitelli O.S.B. Mutsan Sanayi Sitesi M2 Blok No:30-32 Başakşehir-İSTANBUL/TÜRKİYE
Tel: +90 212 486 11 16